
«13th Scientific Retreat», of the Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH)
The «13th Scientific Retreat», of the Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH) will take place on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 July 2022 at FORTH premises in Heraklion, including a festive event on Saturday, and a 3-day exhibition of FORTH innovative technologies (15-17 July), together with, an art exhibition showcasing the diverse talents of FORTH members, at the Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion. The main objective of the Retreat, which is organized biennially in one of the cities hosting FORTH Institutes, is to provide the framework for scientific interactions between the research laboratories of FORTH, for oral and poster presentations of research PIs, postdocs and graduate students and discussions on interdisciplinary projects enabling exploration of synergy opportunities.
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