Secure and reliable Smart Cities applications in Heraklion through the RERUM project | News


Secure and reliable Smart Cities applications in Heraklion through the RERUM project

The Municipality of Heraklion in cooperation with Institute Of Computer Science of FORTH(Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas) implements the EU-funded project RERUM "Reliable, and secure Internet of Things applications for smart cities» (REliable, Resilient and secUre loT for sMart city applications -RERUM) under FP7 (7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration), from 09.01.2013 until 08.31.2016.

The Internet of Things (IoT) aims to interconnect a huge number of "smart devices," which will communicate with each other, exchanging data and information via the Internet.

The interconnection, however, of all of these devices with the internet and their usage in the daily lives of the citizens involve a multitude of risks to security and privacy. The RERUM project aims to increase the security and reliability of the Internet of Things, emphasizing on applications of "smart cities".

One of the objectives of RERUM is to deploy four applications in Heraklion, with the cooperation of the Municipality of Heraklion, the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH and other partners. The project will install smart sensors that will monitor traffic data, environmental factors and energy consumption.

On Wednesday, 20 April 2016 at 18:30 in the room of the Experimental Theater of the Cultural Center of Heraklion, an open event will take place where the applications to be installed in the city of Heraklion will be presented. Emphasis will be given on the application of traffic monitoring, which is already working on a trial basis.

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Contact: Dr. Elias Tragos,