Job Board
HellasQCI - One (1) master student position
Position Description
Quantum Key Distribution and Physical Unclonable Functions.
In the framework of HellasQCI, the candidate is expected to work in aspects of quantum cryptography, focusing mainly on quantum key distribution (QKD) protocols, and physical unclonable functions. The candidate will have the opportunity to interact with QKD devices, to participate in the implementation of the local HellasQCI network, as well as in the demonstration of certain use cases of QKD. Finally, he/she will be involved in training activities.
For the full announcement, follow the link "Related Documents"
Required Qualifications
- Undergraduate degree in Physics, Electrical Engineering or similar
- Background in Quantum Optics or Quantum Photonics
- Recommendation Letters
- Programming skills (preferably Python, or Matlab or C++)
Desirable Qualifications
Very good knowledge of English
Application Procedure
Interested candidates who meet the aforementioned requirements are kindly asked to submit their applications to the address (, with cc to Dr George Nikolopoulos (
In order to be considered, the application must include:
- Application Form (Form Greek or Form English to the left)
- Detailed curriculum vitae (CV) of the candidate
- Scanned Copies of academic titles
- Certificate for enrollment in a master’s program
Appointment Duration
12 monthsClosing Date: 04.09.2023
Institute: Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser