Awards of FORTH

'Stratis V. Sotirchos' Memorial Lectureship
The Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences of FORTH in Patras ( organizes the "Stratis V. Sotirchos Lectureship" to honor the memory of one of its most distinguished Researchers, Professor Stratis V. Sotirchos. This Award is supported by the "Stratis V. Sotirchos Trust Fund" which has been created from donations by organizations, colleagues and friends.
The SVS Lectureship is awarded every second year, starting in 2005, to an engineer-scientist, who has produced original and fundamentally important results in some R&D field within the broader context of chemical engineering. Selection of the most deserving candidate is made on an international basis and strictly on grounds of merit. All candidates should be younger than 40 years of age on the closing date for nominations.
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