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Commencement of the Construction of FORTH’s New Building Facilities in Heraklion, Rethymno and Chania
Building Facilities, Contract

The Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) held two open events: on Friday June 14th, at its headquarters in Heraklion, and on Saturday, June 15th 2024, at the TUC Campus in Chania, for the presentation of its new building facilities in Heraklion, Rethymno and Chania. This significant development project, which is co-financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund and the European Investment Bank through the National Public Investment Program, is expected to play a decisive role in the development of FORTH, as well as, contribute to research and academic education in the Region of Crete.

15.06.2024 | 17:30
Open event in Chania, for the signing of the Construction Contract of the new building facilities of FORTH
Building Facilities, Contract

The event will take place in the presence of officials from the Government, the Local Authorities, the Academic and Research Community and local bodies, on Saturday 15/6 at 17:30, at the "Manoussos Manousakis" Amphitheater, at the Technical University in Chania (Kounoupidiana, Akrotiri).

14.06.2024 | 11:00
Open event in Heraklion, for the signing of the Construction Contract of the new building facilities of FORTH
Building Facilities, Contract

The event will take place in the presence of officials from the Government, the Local Authorities, the Academic and Research Community and local bodies, on Friday, 14/6 at 11:00, at the Amphitheater "Georgios Lianis" in the main building of FORTH in Heraklion (Vassilika Vouton).

Online Lecture on «Taking Plato Seriously: Proclus as Exegete» by Lloyd Gerson

With the kind support of the A. S. Onassis Foundation (2023 grant), the research project “Between Athens & Alexandria. Platonism, 3rd-7th c. CE” (2022-2024), in collaboration with the Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, organise a lecture series on late antique Neoplatonism.

27.05.2024 - 31.05.2024
Sixth International Conference of the Mediterranean Maritime History Network (MMHN)

The Centre of Maritime History in the Institute for Mediterranean Studies in Rethymnon announces the Sixth International Conference of the Mediterranean Maritime History Network (MMHN), which will take place at the Centre of Maritime History of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies in Rethymno from the 27th to the 31st of May 2024.

24.05.2024 | 13.00
THEATRE2SEA – An experiential theatrical workshop
Climate, Environment

The European program THEATRE2SEA focuses on the specialized teaching of the developments within the European Union, regarding environmental pressures imposed on Mediterranean coastal communities. However, what makes THEATRE2SEA attractive and interesting is its innovative teaching method. THEATRE2SEA proposes an alternative, more engaging way of teaching and communicating both with the academic public and with other social groups as well.

24.05.2024 | 19:00
Discovering new worlds across the Universe

Our “Cosmos”, the Universe, contains billions of galaxies, each of them having billions of stars, with most stars having several planets turning around them. Since the distances among the stars are astronomical, unlike the explorers of planet Earth, who sailed across the oceans to discover new worlds, it is impossible for one to become a new age explorer of the Universe in one’s lifetime.

Commencement of Construction of the New Building of the Institute of Biomedical Research of FORTH, in Ioannina
Building Facilities, Contract

The Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) and its Biomedical Research Institute based in Ioannina, organized an Open Event, on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 for the presentation of the new construction project of the Institute's new building on the Campus of the University of Ioannina, and the signing of the Contract with the Contractor.

15.05.2024 - 20.05.2024
2nd International Conference and Consortium Meeting of MIGRAMEDIA - MIGRATION, MEDIA, AND MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES
Climate, Environment, Workshop/Seminar

Τhe Laboratory of Image, Sound and Movement of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies, is organizing the 2nd International Conference and Consortium Meeting of MIGRAMEDIA (Migration Narratives in European Media: Teaching, Learning, and Reflecting)

MIGRAMEDIA is a multilingual ERASMUS+ KA220 initiative.

13.05.2024 | 20.00
Event in memory of late George Grammatikakis, who had served as a Professor and Rector at the University of Crete. The event was organized by the FORTH’s Friends Association.

On Monday, May 13, 2024, the FORTH’s Friends Association organized an event entitled: "Science, pseudoscience, conspiracy theories and democracy" at the Heraklion Chamber of Commerce & Industry. The event was organized in memory of late George Grammatikakis, who had served as a Professor and Rector at the University of Crete.

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