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Of bantam brains and fancy footwork: bioinformatics tools help reveal complexity of avian evolution
Biology & Biotechnology, Biosciences, Collaboration, Information & Communication Technologies, Nature, Publication

In 2014 the Science journal featured an article on the bird tree of life, mentioning the essential role of algorithms and supercomputers that enable modern research in evolutionary biology for all types of living beings. Now, a decade and a giant leap in tool development later, part of the team that coordinated the computer analyses at that time co-authored another paper in Nature on the complexity of avian evolution.

FORTH-ICS Spin-off company Code BGP acquired by Cisco
Digitality, Information & Communication Technologies, Internet, Spin off

The Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) is delighted to announce the acquisition of Code BGP, a FORTH-incubated startup, by Cisco, the world leader in network technology. The Code BGP team will join the Cisco ThousandEyes business unit. This acquisition has the potential to favorably impact the local economy, as it presents a unique opportunity for collaboration between Cisco, FORTH, and the University of Crete.

The innovation of FORTH for the comprehensive management of frailty and prefrailty in older adults
Aging, e-Health, Health

The Center for eHealth Applications and Services (CeHA) of the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH has been selected by four procurers, representing healthcare providers from Italy, Germany and Spain, to develop BONVITA

ERA Chair in Astro-Informatics at ICS-FORTH
Astroinformatics, Astrophysics, Information & Communication Technologies

The Institute of Computer Science is excited to announce that Dr. Jean-Luc Starck of CEA/Saclay, with a major financial support by the European Commission of an ERA Chair, will be leading the efforts on the establishment of a new science direction at FORTH in the emerging field of Astro-Informatics.

SIDLOC, the European space agency funded project aiming at developing identification and localization hardware for all man-made objects going to space, is one of the four experiments that were approved to fly on board the inaugural flight of Ariane 6 later this year.

Last Friday, February 11th 2022, ESA announced that the SIDLOC beacon was chosen among four experiments to be on board the inaugural flight of Ariane 6, the new rocket currently in the final stages of development for future European space missions.

Inauguration of the Hybrid Molecular Imaging Unit
Artificial intelligence, Biosciences, Health, Information & Communication Technologies

The inauguration of the Hybrid Molecular Imaging Unit of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of FORTH took place on Friday, July 23, 2021 at 19:30, at the facilities of FORTH in Heraklion, Crete.

FORTH-ICS hosts workshop that launches the cooperation with Naval Group
Collaboration, Information & Communication Technologies, Workshop/Seminar

The meeting took place within the framework of the cooperation agreement signed in 2019, focusing on the activities of the Computational Vision and Robotics Laboratory.

Research and Innovation for prevention of cognitive decline: the kick-off meeting of LETHE project
Artificial intelligence, Research, Sciences

LETHE (λήθη) – A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on AI and distributed Machine Learning