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smartHEALTH European Digital Innovation Hub’s Annual Forum: Cutting edge technologies for the digital transformation in Health
Digital transformation, Health

The European Digital Innovation Hub “smartHEALTH” successfully held its Annual Forum on January 17th and 18th, 2024, at the NCSR “Demokritos” to review its first year of operation.

Celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
Anniversary event

Under the auspices of Her Excellency (H.E.) the President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou, the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) celebrated its 40th anniversary (1983-2023).

15.12.2023 | 15:00
Measuring time through the celestial clock
Anniversary event

The event was organized within the framework of FORTH’s 40th anniversary celebrations, the Institute of Astrophysics and the Crete University Press of FORTH.

Celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
Anniversary event

Under the auspices of Her Excellency (H.E.) the President of the Hellenic Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou, the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) celebrated its 40th anniversary (1983-2023). The festivities started on Monday, December 11, 2023 and culminated on Sunday, December 17, 2023, with a Celebratory Event, which took place at the Foundation's headquarters in Heraklion, Crete.

12th “Alkiviades Ch. Payatakes” Distinguished Lecture
Anniversary event

The 12thAlkiviades Ch. Payatakes” Distinguished Lecture of FORTH/ICE-HT took place on Monday, December 4 2023, at the Royal Theater in Patras.

28.11.2023 | 17:00 - 21:00
40 years of FORTH: Honoring Women in Research
Anniversary event

In the framework of the Celebrations of the 40th anniversary of FORTH, the Gender Equality and anti-Discrimination Committee organized an event entitled "40 years of FORTH: Honoring Women in Research".

24.11.2023 - 26.11.2023
Participation of FORTH in the Innovation Exhibition "Innodays 2023"

“Innodays 2023” was organized by the Region of Crete on the 24-26 of November 2023.

Online Lecture on «Common Notions from Plotinus to Iamblichus» by Riccardo Chiaradonna

Within the framework of the Research Project “Between Athens & Alexandria. Platonism, 3rd-7th c. CE” (2022-2024) supported by the A. S. Onassis Foundation, the IMS-FORTH, in collaboration with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s Center for Hellenistic Studies (ACHS), organizes a monthly online lecture series on late antique Neoplatonism (3rd-7th c. CE).

Book_presentation:_  PENELOPE,_SPEAK!
08.11.2023 | 19:30
Book presentation: ''PENELOPE, SPEAK!''
Anniversary event, Book, History/Culture, Publication

Wednesday, November 8 2023, 19:30, Vikelaia Municipal Library of Heraklion.

03.11.2023 - 05.11.2023
Third International Conference of the Center of Maritime History

Co-organised by the University of Crete and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS/FORTH)

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