Best Oral Presentation for the Photonics Applications for Agrofoods and Environment Lab | News



Best Oral Presentation for the Photonics Applications for Agrofoods and Environment Lab

The “Photonics Applications for Agrofoods and Environment Lab” of the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of FORTH was honored with the “Best Oral Presentation” award at the international conference of "Instrumental Methods of Analysis-Modern Trends and Applications"

(IMA2019), held at Ioannina on 22-25 September 2019. The oral presentation was performed by E. Orfanakis and was entitled:

“Optical spectroscopy techniques for the classification and quality control of agrofoods”

By E. Orfanakis, N. Fragkoulis, R. Kontzedaki, A. Philippidis, A. Zoumi, M. Velegrakis