
Lecture by Edhem Eldem with the topic "Of men and stones. Historiographical meanderings around the destruction of the janissary corps in 1826"
Rethymnon is home to one of the most original ERC-funded research projects in Ottoman studies, JANET, on janissary networks across Ottoman port cities. This contribution by a non-specialist outsider, adopts an oblique approach to the topic by focusing on the wiping out of the janissary corps in 1826 by Sultan Mahmud II, and linking this event to a number of historiographical issues in Ottoman history. Of particular interest will be the much-debated question of the post mortem and symbolic annihilation of the institution through the destruction of janissary tombstones after the so-called ‘auspicious event’ of 15-16 June 1826.
* The lecture will take place at IMS Lecture Hall on Wednesday, 13 October, 2021 at 20:30 (Athens). Access to the IMS-FORTH premises for the workshop will be restricted, according to anti-COVID 19 regulations, to persons with certificate of complete vaccination or certificate of overcome COVID-19 disease. The use of masks and antiseptic is compulsory. (max. capacity 20 persons).
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