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New study reveals a key role of mRNA metabolism determinants in ageing and disease, through the regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and function
Aging, Biology & Biotechnology, Biosciences, Cells, Health, Proteins, Publication

The new findings highlight the importance of mRNA storage and degradation, near mitochondria, as a mechanism for maintaining cellular and organismal homeostasis

FORTH researcher, Prof. Electra Gizeli, new elected member of the European Organization for Molecular Biology (EMBO)
Biology & Biotechnology

This international distinction is awarded based on outstanding contribution to science and advancement of life sciences, through high-level innovative research and achievements.

New scientific data show the way to unraveling the creation of the Universe, with the participation of the Institute of Astrophysics of FORTH
Astrophysics, Observatory, Publication

The European Pulsar Timing Array joins teams worldwide in announcing compelling evidence for gravitational wave signals of Cosmological origin.

Polarized light helps scientists understand what follows a sudden star death
Astrophysics, Observatory, Publication

"Polarization of light can provide unique information about the underlying processes in astrophysical systems” said Yannis Liodakis, lead author of the study, astronomer at FINCA and alumnus of the University of Crete.

Prestigious HFSP Research Grant awarded to FORTH Researcher Dr. Anastasios Pavlopoulos
Biology & Biotechnology, Biosciences, Cells, Grant

Anastasios Pavlopoulos, Principal Researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (IMBB-FORTH) is awarded a Research Grant from the 2023 Human Frontiers Science Program. HFSP promotes international collaboration in basic research focused on the elucidation of the sophisticated and complex mechanisms of living organisms.

FORTH coordinates the Hellenic Molecular Oncology Network with 2.0 RRP funding
Biology & Biotechnology, Collaboration, Disease

The Hellenic Molecular Oncology Network (EDIMO) received funding of approximately 4 million euros from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0”.

Major new funding from the European Research Council to the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of FORTH
Cultural Heritage, ERC, Grant, History/Culture

Kostas Vlassopoulos, Associate Professor of Ancient History at the University of Crete and Associate Faculty Member of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies of FORTH has been selected for funding from the competitive European funding programme ERC Advanced Grant 2022.

An innovative, non-invasive optical imaging technology allows monitoring of cellular lipid metabolism in live cells and organisms, during ageing
Aging, Biology & Biotechnology, Biosciences, Cells, Health

Research was carried out at the Institutes of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (IMBB) and Electronic Structure & Laser (IESL) of the Foundation for Research & Technology-Hellas (FORTH), and at the Medical School of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA

FORTH’s Researchers a step closer to unraveling the secrets of the brain function - Featured in Nature Communications Editors' Highlights
Biology & Biotechnology, Biosciences, Neurobiology, Neurons, Publication

In a recent publication, featured in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Communications Editors' highlights, the team of Dr. Panayiota Poirazi, Research Director at ΙΜΒΒ, presents a new software framework that allows the incorporation of dendrites and their key mechanisms into large-scale neural network models.

IMBB scientists uncovered a novel cellular mechanism that regulates ageing and fertility
Aging, Biology & Biotechnology, Biosciences, DNA, Publication

Research at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of FORTH published in the premier international scientific journal Nature Aging, reveals a fundamental quality control mechanism that operates in cells to safeguard the integrity and function of the nucleus. By maintaining nuclear homeostasis, this molecular mechanism contributes critically to promote longevity and fertility. IMBB researchers Dr. Margarita-Elena Papandreou and Dr. Georgios Konstantinidis, headed by Dr. Nektarios Tavernarakis (Professor at the Medical School, University of Crete, and Chairman of the Board at FORTH), discovered that recycling of nuclear and nucleolar components via autophagy delays ageing of somatic cells, and sustains the immortality of germ cells, which are required for reproduction.

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