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Dr. Marinos Sariyannis has earned a European Research Council Consolidator Grant (H2020-ERC-COG-2017) with the project GHOST
Dr. Marinos Sariyannis has earned a European Research Council Consolidator Grant (H2020-ERC-COG-2017) with the project GHOST - Geographies and Histories of the Ottoman Supernatural Tradition: Exploring Magic, the Marvelous, and the Strange in Ottoman Mentalities. The project aims to explore Ottoman notions and belief systems concerning the supernatural. Its major objectives will be to explore the meaning and content of the perceptions of the “supernatural”, to localize such beliefs in the various Ottoman world visions, to analyze the changes that took place and to associate them with emerging or declining layers of culture and specific social groups. The project will address larger debates in recent historiography about the relevance of the “disenchantment” and “enlightenment” paradigms, integrating Ottoman intellectual history into the broader early modern cultural history. The research team includes scholars from Greece, Great Britain, Turkey, and the USA, who will be participating as post-doctoral fellows, visiting researchers and Ph.D. candidates.
Short biographical notice
Marinos Sariyannis was born in Athens in 1973. He studied History and Archaeology in the Aristotelean University of Thessaloniki and obtained his PhD thesis at the same university in 2005 (“Marginal groups and behaviors in Ottoman Istanbul, 16th-18th centuries”). He has been working as a researcher at the Institute of Mediterranean Studies/FORTH since 2007, specializing in Ottoman social, cultural and intellectual history. In 2014-2015 he carried out the research project “OTTPOL: A history of early modern Ottoman political thought, 15th to early 19th centuries” within the action “Aristeia II” of the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology (NSRF 2007-2013). He is member of the Scientific Board of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies/FORTH and member of the Editorial Board of Archivum Ottomanicum (Wiesbaden). He has published more than fifty articles and chapters in journals such as Turcica, Archivum Ottomanicum, International Journal of Turkish Studies, Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, Turkish Historical Review, Der Islam and others. His last monograph entitled A History of Ottoman Political Thought up to the Early Nineteenth Century is forthcoming.