
The 1st Interdisciplinary International Conference on Nanotechnology and Bionanoscience was successfully organized in Heraklion
The 1st Interdisciplinary International Conference on Nanotechnology and BioNanoScience “NanoBio 2018”, was successfully organized in Atlantis Aquila hotel, in Heraklion, on September 24-28, 2018. The Conference was co-organized by Dr Emmanuel Stratakis, Research Director, head of the Ultrafast Laser Micro- and Nano- Processing Laboratory of the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of FORTH and Prof. Emmanuel Kymakis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Crete.
Industry representatives and more than 300 researchers from the most prominent universities and research centers worldwide attended the conference and presented the latest achievements in Nanotechnology and Bioscience, exchanged views and established partnerships.
Presentations of invited speakers, such as Michael Gratzel (EPFL, Switzerland), Paul S. Weiss (UCLA, USA), Andrea Ferrari (University of Cambridge, UK), Antonios G. Mikos (Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA), and Anne. M. Andrews (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) and several others attracted interest throughout the conference.
The Conference included 126 oral and 105 poster presentations from 38 countries, i.e. USA, Canada, India, Iran, UK, Italy, Spain etc. while special sessions took place, with the participation of world-class scientific publishing houses, such as ACS, Elsevier, MPDI and IOP.
After this highly successful organization of “NanoBio 2018”, it is likely that Cretewill be established as its Host Destination biannually, becoming an international interdisciplinary destination. The Organizing Committee would like to thank the Ministry of Culture and all sponsors and exhibitors for their significant contribution to the success of the Conference.