
The Region of Crete actively supports FORTH Developmental Initiatives
The Governor of the Region of Crete Mr Stavros Arnaoutakis recently visited FORTH and met with Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis, Chairman of the Board of Directors, for an update on the developmental initiatives the Foundation is planning to implement. Among the actions discussed during the meeting, was the establishment of an integrated, autonomous Conference Center on FORTH premises in Heraklion.
After the meeting, the Governor made the following statement: “I would like to congratulate Prof. Tavernarakis and his associates for the internationally recognized work conducted at FORTH, of which we are very proud. I declare the support of the Region of Crete for the creation of a Conference Center on FORTH premises, which will contribute to the upgrade of conference tourism in our island. We will support all developmental efforts made by our Institutions and will stand by FORTH to put forward the creation of such an important project for Crete”.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis, also expressed his contentment for the strong support on behalf of the Region of Crete and stated: “We have the ambition to create an international Conference Center which will decisively advance the Region and attract new scientists on the island. It will also contribute to the promotion of the work conducted by local educational and research foundations, as this infrastructure will make Crete a top destination for the scientific community. Besides the important contribution to the scientific development of the island, the project is expected to lead to multiplier effects on the local economy, since conference tourism is active all year round. We are extremely happy that the Region of Crete is an active supporter of our efforts’’.
This project is expected to upgrade the portfolio of tourism services in Crete as a top conference destination. It is planned to operate in four autonomous buildings: Amphitheater, Catering Hall, Operations Center, and Creative Activities Center for Children. The establishment and operation of a large, high class Conference Center, will upgrade the tourism infrastructure of entire Crete. It visions to become a pole of attraction for high-income tourists which will lead to multiplier effects for the economy of Crete and for local entrepreneurship all year long, contributing to the extension of the tourism season.
The Foundation for Research and Technology, the University of Crete, the Technical University of Crete, the Technological Educational Institute of Crete, the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, the University General Hospital of Heraklion and the other organizations and bodies located in Crete, having a high level of prestige and international recognition, will benefit from the operation of the Conference Center, since they will utilize its services all year long.