
Presentation of the book of Dr. Antonis Andriotis entitled: "The theory of Pantachikiniton by Benjamin of Lesvos - From the Cartesian aether to the universality and duality of the phenomena of energy transfer"
The event of the book presentation of Dr. Antonis Andriotis - Research Director at the Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) - was successfully hosted at FORTH's Amphitheatre by the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) at Heraklion Crete, on Tuesday, February the 2nd, 2010.
Keynote speakers included Emeritus Prof. Eleftherios N. Economou of the Physics Department, University of Crete and Honorary Chairman of the Board of Directors of FORTH, and Associate Professor Stratos Theodosiou, of the Section of History and Philosophy of Astronomy, Physics Department, University of Athens. The panel was chaired by Emeritus Prof. Eleftherios Zouros, of the Department of Biology, University of Crete. A presentation by the author followed and concluded by a Q&A discussion.
The " Pantachikiniton " - an all space moving substance - is the name of a model of physics proposed at the end of the 18th century (A.D.) by Benjamin of Lesvos. With his model, Benjamin was able to propose a rigorous explanation of most known physical phenomena of his time in a self-consistent and unified approach.
According to the author, the "Pantachikiniton" is not a type of aether. It is an early identification of the physical quantity which is behind any physical process and interaction; it is the Identification of the Energy itself.
With his book, Dr.Andriotis demonstrates that the theory of "Pantachikiniton" is a significant part of our national scientific heritage and most specifically that of natural sciences, within which historically, it acclaims with merit a distinguished position.
The book is available at Papasotiriou, Eleftheroudakis and Analogio bookstores.
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