The Onassis Foundation Science Lecture Series 2011 in Biology | News



The Onassis Foundation Science Lecture Series 2011 in Biology

The Onassis Foundation Science Lecture Series 2011 in BIOLOGY

Basic and Applied Virology
FORTH, Heraklion Crete, Greece, 11 - 15 July 2011

This year Onassis Summer School in Biology is devoted to: "Basic and Applied Virology".

Lecturers are: Harald zur Hausen (German Cancer Research Centre), Nobel Prize (2008). Karen Beemon (Johns Hopkins University). Elliot Kieff (Harvard Medical School). Eva Klein (Karolinska Institutet). George N. Pavlakis (Center for Cancer Research (CCR)). Naomi Rosenberg (Sackler School of Graduate Biomedical Sciences). Philip Tsichlis (Tufts Medical Center).

Detailed information and on-line application through our website:


Em. Professor I. Papamastorakis
Chairman of the Organizing Committee