
Call for the Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching V. Xanthopoulos - St. Pnevmatikos
The call has now opened for the 23rd Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching in memory of Vassilis Xanthopoulos and Stephanos Pnevmatikos, both professors at the University of Crete and members of the Foundation for Research & Technology (FORTH).
The Award is the only academic prize in Greece that rewards the excellence in academic teaching.
For 2013, proposals that fall within the circle of Humanities will be accepted.
The closing date for sending proposals is set to June 03, 2013.
Click here to view the call and further information (in Greek only -pdf format)
Click here to see the timeline of thematic cycles under consideration (in Greek only -pdf format)
Click here to see the website of the Award.
For further information:
V. Xanthopoulos - St. Pnevmatikos Award Secretariat
Ms. Kalliroi Mavrantoni
Tel.: +302810391509