Speech on the subject "The Sumatra tsunami: What have we learned?" | News



Speech on the subject "The Sumatra tsunami: What have we learned?"

The Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics of the Foundation of Research and Technology organises on Tuesday 12 February at 3 p.m., a speech on the subject "The Sumatra tsunami: What have we learned?", Seminar Room of FORTH Central Building.

Main speaker: Professor Emile Okal, Department of Geological Sciences, Northwestern University, U.S.A.

In his talk Prof. Okal will give a review of various aspects of the Sumatra mega-tsunami event of December 26, 2004, connected with seismology, global tectonics and affiliated disciplines (hydroacoustics, ocean dynamics etc.)

For more information please contact with:
Foundation for Research and Technology
Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics
Mrs. Liana Zaharioudaki
P.O. Box 1385
GR - 711 10, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
E-mail: liana@iacm.forth.gr