
Creation of the International Network for the sequencing of the Anopheles mosquito genome
An international network of Anopheles gambiae researchers and genome sequencing centers meeting on 3 March 2001 at Pasteur Institute, Paris, has agreed to the general principles and methods of operation for sequencing the genome of Anopheles mosquito, the most important vector for the spread of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa.
This network the World Health Organization/Tropical Disease Research (WHO/TDR, Genena), the Pasteur Institute (France), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL, Germany), the Notre Dame University (United States), the France's National Sequencing Centre (Genoscope, France), Celera Genomics Company (United States), the Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR, United States), the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB, Greece), the ONSA network (Sao Paolo, Brazil) as well as prominent researchers from all over the world. Sequencing the genome of Anopheles mosquito will be completed by 2001.
For more information please contact with:
George Thireos, ΙΜΒΒ Director
Τel.: +30 2810 391103
Christos Louis, ΙΜΒΒ Researcher
Tel.: + 30 2810 391119