Educational Event: "Safer use of Internet. What parents and teachers should know?" | News



Educational Event: "Safer use of Internet. What parents and teachers should know?"

Due to the Safer Internet Day 2008, that was celebrated on February 12, 2008, the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas), member of Safeline, of the Greek Internet Hotline, organized an educational event on February 14th at [Pagkritio] High school of Heraklion. The topic of discussion was "Safer Internet Use". What parents and teachers should know?". The event was basically attended by parents and the teachers of the students who attend Pagkritio high school. Nevertheless, it was made open to the general public.

The speakers for the event were, Mr. Nikos Fridas , President of SafeNet - Hellenic Self-regulatory Body for Internet Content, analyzed the following topic: "Surfing the Internet Safely: What should parents be aware of?" Mr. Vasilis Spitadakis - General Manager of the Research and Development Department of FORTHnet presented : "SafeLine: The Greek Hotline for reporting illegal matetial on the Internet". Last but not least, Ms. Meltini Christodoulaki- Safer Internet's Communication Liaison from FORTH's - ICS focused primarily on the topic: "Teenagers and their addiction to the Internet, advice to parents and legal issues concerning cybercrimes".

After the end of the presentations, there was an open discussion where the parents posed their questions concerning the correct usage of the Internet by their children and also for means of protection that are necessary in order to avoid the possible dangers lying in the Internet .

For more information, please contact:
Ms. Meltini Christodoulaki
Tel. 2810 391615,