Exploit4InnoMat - One (1) PhD candidate position

Job Board

Exploit4InnoMat - One (1) PhD candidate position

Position Description

The PhD candidate will work on the fabrication of polymeric nanocomposite materials with multifunctional properties varying from energy harvesting devices to heating insulators for buildings and constructions, following the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printing technique.

For the full announcement, follow the link "Related Documents"

Required Qualifications

  • Bachelor's degree (B.Sc.) from a School of Sciences or a related school 
  • Postgraduate Diploma in a School of Sciences or a related school 
  • Technical skills: Electrical characterization (DC, noise and RF); Microwaves material characterization 
  • Scientific publicalion(s) in building construction materials 
  • Effective Communication & Presentation Skills; Excellent knowledge of Greek and English 

Application Procedure

Interested candidates who meet the aforementioned requirements are kindly asked to submit their applications to the address (hr@iesl.forth.gr), with cc to the Scientific Coordinator Dr George Kenanakis (gkenanak@iesl.forth.gr).


In order to be considered, the application must include:

  • Application Form  (Form Greek or Form English to the left)
  • Detailed curriculum vitae (CV) of the candidate
  • Scanned Copies of academic titles
  • Certificate for enrollment in PhD program

Appointment Duration

9 months
Ημερομηνία Ανάρτησης: 23.10.2023
Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 02.11.2023
Ινστιτούτο: Ινστιτούτο Ηλεκτρονικής Δομής & Λέϊζερ