The Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences of FORTH (FORTH/ICE-HT), on airborne transmission of COVID-19
Αn international team of 239 experts in the field of disease and aerosol transmission have signed a letter, which was published on July 6 2020 in the scientific journal "Clinical Infectious Diseases", entitled "It is Time to Address Airborne Transmission of COVID-19"
FORTH participates in the National Network for Genetic Cardiovascular Diseases Study And Prevention Of Sudden Death In The Young On The Basis Of Precision Medicine
The Institute of Computer Science and the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH) participate in the “National Network for Genetic Cardiovascular Diseases Study And Prevention Of Sudden Death In The Young On The Basis Of Precision Medicine” that is funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology through public funds. The Network started its operation in July 2019 and has a duration of 2 years.
FORTH’s nominations for Global Talent Mentoring
During the 1st phase of the Global Talent Mentoring programme, 159 students from Greece and Cyprus expressed their interest to participate as mentees. Initially, FORTH had estimated the nomination of 50 mentee candidates from both countries. However, due to the high quality of applications, FORTH ended up nominating 74 students, 42 boys and 32 girls. The reaction of Global Talent Mentoring shows the impact of the programme among Greek students. “We send a very enthusiastic “thank you” to the FORTH team for sending us so many truly amazing nominees! Our team was extremely impressed to see what some of the students are working on”.
Greece is entering the era of electromobility, supported by Research
The President of the Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Prof. Nektarios Tavernarakis, participated in the presentation of the national plan for the transition to electromobility, representing the Research Centres of Greece.
Launch of new postgraduate studies programme /masters in Biomedical engineering by the University of Crete, the Technical University of Crete and the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas
Three Academic Institutions of Crete - the University of Crete (Medical School, Department of Computer Science and Department of Materials Science), the Technical University of Crete (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering) and the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) - jointly founded and operate, as of the academic year 2020-2021, a new international postgraduate studies programme on Biomedical Engineering.
Το ΙΤΕ για την απώλεια του Θοδωρή Παπάζογλου
To Ίδρυμα Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας αποχαιρετάει με ανείπωτη οδύνη τον αγαπημένο φίλο, στενό συνεργάτη, και εξαίρετο επιστήμονα, Θοδωρή Παπάζογλου, που έχασε τη μάχη με την ασθένεια COVID-19, την Κυριακή, σε νοσοκομείο των Βρυξελλών.
The Board of Directors of FORTH, following the news of the death of the Distinguished former Researcher of IESL – FORTH and Head of Unit A.1 of the ERC Executive Agency (ERCEA), Theodore Papazoglou, expresses their deepest sorrow and unanimously decides
Expression of interest for participation in the Global Talent Mentoring programme
The Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH) participates in the Global Talent Mentoring initiative, The Global Talent Mentoring is an innovative online platform, launched in 2020, with the purpose of networking exceptional new talents in the fields of sciences - STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine) with acclaimed scientists around the world, who will provide them online, free mentoring with the goal of growing their talent.
Το ΔΣ του ΙΤΕ για την απώλεια του Δημήτρη Καφετζόπουλου
Το Ίδρυμα Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας με βαθύτατη θλίψη αναγγέλλει το θάνατο του Δημήτρη Καφετζόπουλου, ερευνητή στο Ινστιτούτο Μοριακής Βιολογίας και Βιοτεχνολογίας, που έφυγε από τη ζωή στις 14 Μαρτίου 2020, έπειτα από γενναία μάχη με τον καρκίνο.
Successful completion of the 3rd Match & Develop a Startup Heraklion, investigating local business collaborations with research teams and Startups of Crete
The 3rd four-day bootcamp “Match & Develop a Startup Heraklion 3.0”, held on 7-8 and 15-16 February 2020 at H2B HUB and at the premises of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) at Vasilika Vouton - Heraklion, was successfully completed.
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